Saturday, May 14, 2016

No Name, Just Call Me Uncle

It has been much more difficult getting back into the blogging habit than I was hoping it would be. From being too busy with life to having a painfully slow internet connection for uploading pictures to having an awful camera that 1) takes crappy pictures and 2) only connects to the computer in the most inconvenient way possible, to getting interrupted every two minutes when I do finally decide to bite the bullet and blog... It's been a little disheartening. I suppose I could go without posting many pictures, but it does make posts a lot more fun!

I'm having some severe seasonal allergies today, so I'm feeling a bit whiny.

Anyways! What's been going on around here: the giant project that has been consuming most of my free time for the past several weeks is constructing a Montessori-style classroom for the boys. This entailed a massive cleaning (the room had formerly been a disastrous catchall/sewing room that had accumulated all the loose stuff we didn't have a designated storage space for), lots of woodworking, and many trips to the Dollar Tree. I also bought and pored over John Bowman's ebook Montessori at Home!-- at $10.95 for a 535-page, exhaustively comprehensive book stuffed with instructions, I consider it one of my best buys of 2016 so far!

We started actually doing work in there on Monday. My goal was just a half hour for three days out of this week, as we ease into a more structured day, which we did. Hopefully, I'll be able to post some pictures in a bit here. The boys really seemed to enjoy it, although it quickly became obvious to me that my biggest struggle is going to be making sure there is a good assortment of activities that will engage both the boys at their respective levels. Well, I'm going to wrap things up here and look for some allergy meds now.

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